Living Memory Software has released LayR Version 1.3 to the App Store.

This release fixes all known bugs and introduces a new feature: The Macro.
The Macro Panel is a level above the instrument mixer and is used for globally adjusting parameters in the entire multi-instrument Performance, taking LayR's MIDI control to a whole new level.
We have also uploaded a set of tutorials to our YouTube channel where you will find a video dedicated to explaining the new Macro feature.
Changes / New Features:
⁃ Macro Control Panel: A new panel for changing assigned synth parameters globally across an entire
⁃ Link Assign Panel now has an extra section for assigning Layer parameters to Macro controls.
⁃ You can now assign any MIDI controller to Instrument Volume Sliders. ( defaults to cc 7 ).
⁃ Load Preset panel now updates it’s selection if a MIDI bank or program change is received while it’s visible.
⁃ New option in settings: Don’t Start Voices When Volume is Zero: Prevents voices being started if Instrument or
Layer volumes are zero.
⁃ New option in settings: “Multi Out: FX Only in Stereo Output”, converts the IAA Stereo Mix output to an effects
return if any of the 8 aux audio outputs are in use.
⁃ Dials will now always show at least 1 degree of coloured arc unless their value is equal to zero.
⁃ Increased fall time for peak hold metering in master strip.
⁃ Updated PDF manual.
Bug Fixes:
⁃ Fixed a common crash during audio unit initialisation.
⁃ Fixed crash when long pressing on A to B range buttons.
⁃ Fixed: Potential crash when saving performances if poly aftertouch is assigned.
⁃ Fixed: Audio Unit now respects all persistent preferences set in the IAA app.
⁃ Fixed an audio spike when an AU is loaded in a certain state from a host. Could cause a loud reverb explosion.
⁃ Fixes a rare problem where an AU host could start to load a preset before the Audio Unit had completed
⁃ Fixed: Current bank is now properly set when selecting a bank in the load preset panel.
⁃ Fixed a state where MIDI controller values for the CC Mixer would fail to be loaded from a saved preset.
⁃ Fixed: UI crash when tapping on AB-Range modifier tempo button after previously setting time to maximum
( 100s ).

This synth is deep specially considering it's on iPad. take your time investigating it.
Be sure to check the numerous youtube demo videos Living Memory Software kindly made available.
Here's Layr pdf manual in case you wanna have a look. Cheers
Living Memory Software Layr website link.
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